Thursday, November 20, 2014

Putu Piring

          In order to make the putu piring, we had interview a cook name Mrs.Shamizah. She is currently selling the putu piring in a small stalk outside of a morning market which is located in Batu 5 in Kuala Lumpur. She was came from Indonesia and she started to make this putu piring from 8 years ago. She had learned to make this dishes from an Indian friend. She told me that she love the tastes of putu piring once she got a bitten on it. At first, the purpose of her setting up a stalk was just planning to share the taste with others as their family incomes were come from husband. After that, this has slowly become a small business to her as it comes with slightly fair money. 

As our interviewee have to make many putu piring in one day, the recipe that she had provided was use to made 15 putu piring at one time. 
First of all, we need to prepare
 -- 2 cups of rice flour,                                                 
-- ¾ teaspoon of salt, 
--150ml of hot water,
-- ½ cups shredded coconut (the part of white and mixed with ½ teaspoon of salt),
--½ cup of grated brown sugar,
-- 5-6 pieces of pandan leaves, 
--muslin cloth which is whites and rarely square sized 6-8inci
--banana leaves cut square 2 inch.

Step of procedure
1st. Fried the rice flour without oil for 5 minutes then sieve and let it cool down. 
2nd. Mix the salt with the hot water and pandan leaves. Put it down awhile to get the                      smell of pandan. Pour the mixture to the flour. Stir them so it become like                              breadcrumbs.
3rd Heat up the steamer. Now mixed the breadcrumbs-like flour with a little bit of oil.                    Put a little flour on the steamer, followed with a little bit of brown sugar. Add a                        little more flour on top. Place the muslin cloth on top and now start to steam it on                    the steamer (Prefer for a special steamer.) 
4th Let it steam for 3-4 minutes and lift it up. Leave the putu in the muslin cloth for a                    further minute. 
5th Open the muslin and put some mixed grated coconut. Place banana leaves on                       top and flip back the putu. It is finally prepare to be served and be eaten.

The interviewee’s recipe and the online recipe which from are kind of different as the online recipe has the more accurate measure unit. They uses 250g instead of telling us to use how many cups. As everyone might have different sizes of cups, they may have used more or less ingredients to make the putu piring. Other than that, the salt that interviewee used is more that the online recipe, there would have a different taste too. Other than this, the interviewee had used the brown sugars as the fillings but the online recipe had used the coconut palm sugar as the fillings, the taste would also have different. In addition, as the interviewee had called us to use the special steamer which online recipe didn’t, we could see that the putu piring from interviewee is more solid comparing to the online recipe from the picture.

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